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[spf-discuss] Re: Errata confirmation question

2008-02-26 10:30:25
Frank Ellermann wrote:
I'm too lazy to dig in the list archive today.  Is that all a
hallucination on my side, RFC 4408 always wanted PermError for
adjacent dots ?  In that case I could mark the wannabe-erratum
as bogey stating that 4.4 is limited to the cases not already
covered by 2.5.7.

That would make sense if the explanation about DNS timeout were coded in section 2.5.6. Besides 4.4, section 5 also repeats that same concept. As a matter of taste, I think the specifications would be more readable if the discussion on DNS RCODEs were concentrated in a single section. (This has probably been discussed already as well.)

I hope marking errata is a prelude to preparing a new version of the specifications...

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