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[spf-discuss] Re: SPF Internationalization

2008-04-15 20:43:27
Scott Kitterman wrote:

we conciously decided to ignore it
Am I remembering the right internationalization issue?

We didn't *ignore* it <shudder />  We found that SMTP
is as it is (explained in the first part of FAQ/I18N),
nothing to do for SPF.

Publishers can create their own WHY-pages behind URLs
of exp= explanations in any script and language.  If
they try something more direct and it is not US-ASCII
it won't work as they expect it.

For EAI:  Current SPF implementations don't support
U-label to A-label (IDNA), or do they ?  Depending on
the programming language this might as simple as a
library call, or a serious headache.


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