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[spf-discuss] New libspf2 release

2008-10-15 13:11:57
There is (at last) a new libspf2 release.  All the patches that I had 
collected from people were looked at and the issues addressed either by that 
patch or with an alternative solution (the maintainer had patches from 
multiple sources and sometimes they overlapped).  All of you who contributed, 
thank you.

In addition to the run of the mill bugfixes, this release also includes a 
security fix for a buffer overflow.  I understand a CVE will be published 
soon at http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2008-2469

Because of the large numer of fixes for significant bugs (a number of memory 
leaks are fixed in addition to the overflow), anyone using libspf2 should 
seriously consider upgrading very soon.

The upstream release announcement is here:


The new version can be downloaded from here:


A number of vendors and distributors that provide libspf2 were contacted and 
are in varying states of providing updates.  

For Ubuntu Linux a patch to correct the buffer overflow has been uploaded for 
all supported releases and will be published soon.  I intend to upload the 
new 1.2.8 to the current development release and will explore backporting it 
to earlier releases.

Scott K

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