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[spf-discuss] Re: [spf-devel] New libspf2 release

2008-10-15 19:22:41
On Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:54:44 +0100 Shevek <spf(_at_)anarres(_dot_)org> wrote:
On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 00:10 +0400, Eugene Crosser wrote:
Scott Kitterman wrote:
There is (at last) a new libspf2 release.

This does not look good to me.
but the new one:

$ /usr/local/libspf2-1.2.8/bin/spfquery -ip -sender
spf_interpret.c:60   Error: spf_record is NULL

Am I missing something? Is there any kind of changelog anywhere?

No, I did. This was a consequence of my code executing the wrong
instructions in the wrong order, and was a little more subtle than I
realised. The tarball has been replaced, thank you for your report.

I took advantage of the chance to replace the tarball to include two
other minor fixes contributed by the community.

Please have another poke at it, and we'll see if we've managed to make
the world a wonderful place yet.

It works now here.


Scott K

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