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Re: [spf-discuss] C/R Pros and Cons

2008-10-15 16:40:21
David MacQuigg wrote:
The automated system should stop retries after the *first* reject.  Code 5xy 
means there is a problem on the sender side.  The sender is supposed to fix the 
problem before trying again.

When a sending MTA receives a permanent rejection reply code, it will usually generate a bounce message. What the sending software does upon receipt of this bounce varies. In the case Mailman, a mailing list manager, it takes bounced emails spread across five days for it to drop a subscriber.

5.x.y SMTP reply codes are permanent errors. It might be a permanent error because a downed MTA was brought back up before its configuration was fully debugged. The reply code might be generated due to the receiving MTA's use of an RBL that is now blacklisting all queries.

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