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Re[3]: [spf-discuss] C/R Pros and Cons

2008-10-15 00:40:59
I don't need to.  Some 5xx codes, like 551, *are* already advisory in
rfc2821.  It just means "can't deliver it that way, but try this other
way".  551 has been proposed as an alternative to SRS.

Nowhere  in  2821 is 551 treated as anything but a permanent error. It
continues  to  be  a  "Permanent Negative Completion reply" in the 5yz
range.  551  is  noted  as  more  correctable  --  *via  a new message
envelope*  --  than  other  permanent  errors. By definition, any such
"correction"  cannot  occur  in real-time: even if the error might not
exist  minutes  later,  the  DSN  resulting  from  a  551  _must never
represent  that  the submitted message could be delivered_. Therefore,
it  will  always  appear  to the user as a permanent failure alongside
everything else they call the help desk about.

Unless  the  majority  of MTAa specifically change the format of their
DSNs  for 551s (or for some reserved enhanced status code) to hide the
"permanent"  part and show a happy, clickable URL instead, the idea of
using  any  5xx  code  for C/R is dead in the water. IMO, one would be
better  off  lobbying for a new 4xx code that instructs "keep retrying
with  this  exact message object, but *also* send a transient DSN with
the  following  happy text" -- which covers more bases. But I wouldn't
spend my time lobbying for either one.

Look,  I  don't  use  C/R.  But  I *do* do a much better job of spam
abatement with my "hobbiest" software than the big email providers.

I  believe  that.  I  have many colleagues that do boutique anti-abuse
hosting  that  do  a better job than the big guys as well. But none of
them,  including  you,  use C/R to do it. And you wouldn't be any more
likely  to  be able to get away with C/R for your customer base if you
used this phantasmic envelope-time rejection idea.


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