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Re[2]: [spf-discuss] C/R Pros and Cons

2008-10-15 19:31:41
5.x.y SMTP reply codes are permanent errors. It might be a permanent
error   because  a  downed  MTA  was  brought  back  up  before  its
configuration  was fully debugged. The reply code might be generated
due  to  the  receiving MTA's use of an RBL that is now blacklisting
all queries.

Roman,  thank  you  for taking the time to revisit some of the settled
truths  about  how  automated  senders  and  how  they  deal with mail


Sanford Whiteman, Chief Technologist
Broadleaf Systems, a division of
Cypress Integrated Systems, Inc.
e-mail: sandy(_at_)cypressintegrated(_dot_)com

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