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[spf-discuss] Motivating Senders

2008-10-20 22:32:19
At 07:58 PM 10/20/2008 -0400, Stuart D. Gathman wrote:

Here is my current message for anonymous senders.  Yours sounds better.

550-5.7.1 You must have a valid HELO or publish SPF: http://www.openspf.org 
550-5.7.1 Contact your mail administrator IMMEDIATELY!  Your mail server is 
550-5.7.1 severely misconfigured.  It has no PTR record (dynamic PTR records 
550-5.7.1 that contain your IP don't count), an invalid or dynamic HELO, 
550 5.7.1 and no SPF record.

Some senders only see the first line.  I'm want to put an URL
in the first line with a web page to explain the problem fully.

That should work if they see it often enough.  The only improvement I can think 
of is have the URL go directly to a page with explicit instructions on fixing 
the problem, rather than the SPF homepage.  I'm trying to imagine the message 
author reading this, wondering what is HELO SPF, and hearing from his admin 
some lame excuse that the problem is elsewhere.  The instructions need to be 
clear enough that the author will demand a better explanation from his admin.  
How about something like this:

You have been referred to this page because one of our Border Patrol? mail 
receivers rejected a request from your transmitter at %(IP)s to send mail under 
a name %(DN)s that does not authorize sending mail from this address.

The Border Patrol MTA will not accept mail from unauthorized transmitters.  
Please fix your DNS records.  Your mail server must pass at least one of our 
"3-strikes" tests:

a) PTR check.  The IP address of the transmitter must have a PTR record, AND 
the name from that record should have an A record with an address matching the 
transmitter's IP, AND the name in your HELO command must exactly match the name 
in the PTR record.
       - OR -
b) The name in your HELO command must have an A or an MX record validating the 
transmitter's IP.
       - OR -
c) The name in your HELO command must have an email authentication record 
authorizing the transmitter's IP.  Currently, we look for SPF, SenderID, or CSV 

Note:  These requirements are much less strict than full RFC compliance.  See 
dnsreport.com for a complete test of your DNS standards compliance.

See DNShelp for more information.

See Quick Fix for very brief instructions on setting up your transmitter.

Sender Policy Framework: http://www.openspf.org
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