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Re: [spf-discuss] SPF on HELO - take 2

2009-01-12 05:56:08

--On 9 January 2009 16:04:25 +0100 Alessandro Vesely 
<vesely(_at_)tana(_dot_)it> wrote:

Don Lee wrote:
CSV and David's _auth mechanisms do that check with much less effort
and more reliability than SPF --those mechanisms provide for denying an
IP to send mail for a given domain.

Can you explain?  What is "CSV and David's _auth"?

Two methods designed for establishing who is authorized to relay mail in
a hierarchically authoritative fashion, i.e. using DNS "properly" (as
opposed to DNSBL non-hierarchical scheme.)

For more info, see

That seems to be a combination of (A) checking that the domain authorises the sending IP address to email from that domain (like SPF's HELO implementation), followed by (B) verifying the reputation of the domain.


Apparently, this is similar but can use parts of existing SPF records for part (A). Seems quite useful, but I think that better separation of authorisation and reputation management would help.

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Ian Eiloart
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