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[spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation for my client, help appreciated.

2009-05-11 17:45:25
Hi All,


I hope you can help me. I have been contracted to maintain and develop a
bulk email generation tool for one of my clients. Under their current
system, which passes SPF, emails are received from their system showing the
from address as 'someone(_at_)client(_dot_)com' on behalf of
'someone(_at_)clientscustomer(_dot_)com'. Bounced emails and non-delivery 
which are a crucial part of the service they provide, are sent back to
clients system, not the person who they are sending on behalf of, and are
analysed by the tool for reporting. This is currently done using return-path
headers in the email generation process.


The client have recently been getting customers ask for the ability to have
the from address simply read 'someone(_at_)clientscustomer(_dot_)com', and also 
this be the reply-to address, but at the same time retain the functionality
that returns the bounced emails and non-delivery reports to the tool address
'someone(_at_)client(_dot_)com'.  I have tried numerous combinations to achieve 
and get a passed SPF result, but cannot seem to find out the correct way to
do it. It seems in order to get a pass in SPF and no 'on behalf of' message,
the sender property must equal the from property, but this means the bounces
are sent to the customer, not to the tool. If the sender is different, the
bounced emails go to the right place, but the 'on behalf of' appears again.


My question therefore is have I missed the correct combination? Or can it
simply not be done and pass SPF as well? My client's customer,
understandably, wants their recipients to see that the mail has come from
them, but still want the functionality offered by the tools non-delivery
functions. And my client wants to deliver emails that are correctly not
considered as spam.


Can anyone help point in the right direction please? Any help or assistance
that can be offered would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks in advance for your help,



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