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Re: [spf-discuss] Trying to understand the best recommendation for my client, help appreciated.

2009-05-12 08:34:37
On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 3:42 AM, Ben Gallienne <ben(_at_)webpoint0(_dot_)com> 
Hi Sandy, Alan,

Thanks very much for your helpful replies. It seems that as you rightly say
I have got some things confused as a developer. I haven't coded for a system
that sends mail this way before so I may be asking some dumb questions for
which I apologise, but be assured your help is much appreciated.


There is another approach your client (it sounds like they are an ESP)
can take. If your clients customers delegate a subdomain to your
client then outbound mail will pass SPF (your client will then manage
the SPF records) and the outbound mail will appear to the recipients
as coming from your clients customers. Your client can use the reply
to field to have replies go directly to customers or they can forward
them using an alias on their inbound mail servers.

This also positions your client nicely for doing DKIM signing as a
first aprty signer rather than a 3rd party signer (a consideration for

Hope this helps.

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