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Re: [spf-discuss] Senderside forwarder-problem mitigation

2009-07-09 05:45:30

--On 8 July 2009 16:43:56 +0200 Alessandro Vesely <vesely(_at_)tana(_dot_)it> 

 All spf domains can have -all
{if and only if they control the outgoing mail-flow entirely or know all
the originating ip's that users will use} if they do not they then use ?
or ~ all

Vice-versa, an ESP may use -all to force their users to use SUBMIT.

We do something similar, but not with SPF. We do something equivalent to publishing ~all, but refusing mail from our local domain if it doesn't get either a positive SPF pass, and hasn't been through our servers.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
01273-873148 x3148
For new support requests, see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/help/

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