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Re: [spf-discuss] Senderside forwarder-problem mitigation

2009-07-14 08:42:40
At 09:42 14/07/2009  Tuesday, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
Michael Deutschmann wrote:
What about forwarders who happened to miss that whitelist?
People with errors in their forwarder whitelist aren't a significant
problem.  It's people who don't realize they need one that we need to worry

I, for one. I'd have no idea how to start building one,

you don't your users do {you just sanitize their input}
simply provide an api along with all the others {password change, account 
cancelation, sender black list, sender whitelist}
{this api can be automated or manual, 
ie for small businesses "tell john if you setup forwarding to your address so 
he can setup the server to accept them"
for big web-mail another set of pages under "setup remote forwarding"}

except if some forwarder explicitly asked,

replace forwarder with user {as your users contract the forwarders}
and they also will be the irst to notice if its not working

explaining they have bounces when they forward to a given address at my MX,

explaining how friends/contacts sending to their forwarding address aren't 
being recieved 

and thus need whitelisting. Symmetrically, if I had bounces when forwarding 
to a remote MX, I would first consider changing the sender locally than 
asking for a whitelist remotely.

srs isn't available on many MTA's natively {exchange for instance cannot SRS or 
forward compliantly with their own sender-id}
{we even offer an SRS rewriting service to our small business customers using 
exchange because their are so many needing forwarding and so few receivers 
capable of accepting them, most fortunately just insist their "permanently 
remote" users get a different mail provider that can/will receive as its less 
time consuming.}

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