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Re: [spf-discuss] How reliable is it to block/reject on SPF fail?

2009-11-27 06:23:42

--On 27 November 2009 08:48:44 +0100 Alessandro Vesely <vesely(_at_)tana(_dot_)it> wrote:

The decision that is up to users is to enable either forwarding by one
server or fetching by the other one. Gmail and many other servers offer
fetching: it is the solution with fewer problems.

Except that it requires you to Gmail to store your password for the remote account in a recoverable format. For our users, that means violating our terms and conditions of use. In fact, we'd not permit them to share our passwords with Gmail even if Gmail were storing them securely. We have a common authentication mechanism that means you can do more with the password than just read email.

We'd need something like OAuth to make it work securely.

As an intermediate effort, we could provide a second account with distinct credentials that was used ONLY for IMAP, and had read permissions on the mailbox of the primary account, though. It's probably easier to implement SRS, but we'd still like the receiving account to whitlist our forwarding, so that we don't pollute our reputation.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
01273-873148 x3148
For new support requests, see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/help/

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