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Re: [spf-discuss] How reliable is it to block/reject on SPF fail?

2009-11-27 09:51:27

I'd suggest that SRS-forwarding to gmail would be less benefit
than say offering a dedicated second pop3/smtp-submission server with
dedicated credentials

just for the reason of ip-reputation {which srs-forwarding unfortunately
does tend to muddy} and additionally it allows users to webmail reply
from their work address via your servers {thus without having to allow
all gmail users the potential for forging mail and passing SPF}

I just don't like the security risk associated with Google holding a load of our passwords in plain text.

Ian Eiloart
IT Services, University of Sussex
01273-873148 x3148
For new support requests, see http://www.sussex.ac.uk/its/help/

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