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Re: [spf-discuss] How reliable is it to block/reject on SPF fail?

2009-11-29 10:01:43
At 09:30 29/11/2009  Sunday, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
alan wrote:
I agree with Ian that it would be nice to have something like this as a 
standard. That might provide for the sender setting up any relevant detail, 
and (non-geek) users just having to agree, either manually or automatically. 
However, the obvious advantage of your approach is that it requires minimal 
or no compliance from senders.
as far as standards yup hopefully in the end {whenever that is} the websites 
api will be documented well enough and structured in a way
that 3rd party plugins could talk direct to it so all the user has to give 
the plugin is the base url of the admin site and their admin id/password
and then thus plugin could present whatever options it wished from the mail 
{and similarly webmail clients could be tweaked to present their own api to 
the filtering}
but currently even the filtering site api dosn't present all available 
options to the user, many still require calling me and having me alter their 

It probably makes sense to standardize those filtering options that are based 
on envelope data. It is easier, because there are not many of those.

not many???
sending ip > countless DNSBL and several DNSWL {user selectable} {most locally 
served from mirrors as aggregate zone files ie one lookup serves 32 bit encoded 
DNSBL results}
then PTR tests {ie does it have ptr}
does it have FQRDNS
then enumerating it to a country {for users blocking based on country code}
and enumerating to an esp/isp {for users whitelisting/blacklisting by isp 
{hotmail/gmail etc}
sending HELO 60ish tests
then mail-from several DNSRL {dns reputation lists like rfc ignorant etc}
then rcpt to {take results of above 32 at a time and logical-and them with 
recipients options then reject on any non zero result}

currently most of our filtering options to the user are pre-data

For the content, I'd only bother a few relevant header fields, e.g. 
Authentication-Results, X-Spam-Status, X-Spam-Level, SPF-Received, if at all. 
It is not practical to require expansive filtering.

the content filtering atm is clamav + spamassasin so we have a per user SA 
reject score a
and a binary reject viri and binary reject on {phish/other non-viri clamav 
someday we hope to have more on the content filtering, like i'm building dkim 
in soon

but soon want to investigate separate classes of SA rulset and depending on 
class of adress(s) accepting the email at this pass, run the tweaked SA over 
the email

{by class of user i mean currently the first address to accept at RCPT time 
decides the class {8 digit binary}
any further recipients rejecting on envelope details rejects as usual
any further recipients not-rejecting on envelope and being in the same 
content-class accept the mail {thus far}
any further recipients not-rejecting on envelope but in a different 
content-class defer the mail

thus mail to 6 users in six different content classes {with say only one 
rejecting on envelope}
will try 5 times and each will get 1 user

but a mail to 6 users in two content classes {with say the same one rejecting 
on envelope}
will try twice to get to all

{as most users fall into the default content class of reject on all clamav hits 
reject on SA score 10+
postmaster and abuse though are
ie reject only viri

viri phish use-SA {SA-Score}

Obviously, any mail site may add whatever (optional) filtering rules. The 
purpose of _requiring_ some of them is in case a message is forwarded multiple 
times. Consider this scenario:

sender-> user(_at_)site -> alias(_at_)intermediate -> other(_at_)final

In such cases, the rules at the final site must not be stricter than those at 
the intermediate one.

or more simply what we do is mail to a forwarding recipient, from a forwarders 
ip, is just accepted regardless, {so we aren't creating backscatter due to the 
forwarders crappy filters}
{it is not our job to save them from spam that their other receiver didn't 
block! as if we do there is no pressure on the forwarder to institute decent 
anti-spam solutions}
{its an idealogical thing ie filtering should all be at the point of initial 
reception, as once past this point the spammer has been paid and any further 
rejection will only result in
A DSN's bothering the forged-from
B DSN repression causing the non-forged-from {but sending suspicious mail} not 
being notified that the user didn't get it

both are worse than user getting the spam {suitably marked as such} in my book
I think we should all try to ensure DSN's are only normally generated by 
originating-senders where possible {to force them like us to police their 
outflow and ensure their users cannot generate forgeries}

in our case every authenticated submission can only send envelope-from that 
users list of verified from address's, and mail servers can only send 
envelope-from their list of allowed domains {or from-any to their list of 
outbound-forwarding destinations}

so if a user here generates spam {uce or ube} it is entirely traceable and the 
NDR's are local and logged by us for monitoring so we can TOS them

Thus, there should be no need to fine-tune downstream sites. It would then be 
sufficient to configure whitelistings at one site only, as standardized 
settings can easily be exchanged between compliant sites, if the given 
standardization provides a way for doing that.

not really a good idea in my experience most users with more than one address 
want wildly different filtering on each
so it would be bad to assume a forwarded address would want the same filtering 
as a receiving address
{as for example some of our users have the forwarders receiving all kinds of 
crap but have the end receivers {usually dedicated address' for forward 
reception} simply setup to deny except forwarders-ip's
this obviously wouldn't want to be auto-propagated

One added benefit is that users have a means to maintain a list of their 
whitelistings, subscriptions, etcetera.

In the above scenario, subscriptions might be retrieved recursively and result 
in a single web page.

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