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RE: Problem on: Cascading xslts on browsers

2002-12-10 10:52:57
On Tue, 10 Dec 2002, Michael Kay wrote:

Take a look at the API documentation for your XSLT processor and learn
how to control it from script in the HTML page. You can't do everything
from the <?xml-stylesheet?> processing instruction.

That's useful advice if you're targeting a specific browser/processor, but
doesn't seem to be very standard.  A lot of my Web content is stored as
XML and processed via XSLT into HTML.  Right now I have to do this
server-side via some clunky mechanisms, and I'd really like to be able to
push the transformation off to the client.

I'm aware that this isn't feasible right now -- too many browsers don't
support XSLT at all, and in those that do there doesn't seem to be any
standard way to pass a parameter -- but is there any movement toward
making it feasible?  Are there any standards-in-progress for controlling
the XSLT processor more fully from a browser?

Mike Kozlowski

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list