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RE: Max size?

2003-01-09 18:39:43
What are the potential problems with the filtering approach?  What is the 
"stopping problem"? If I understand this correctly it involves converting an 
xslt file into a stateful sax event processor.  The end result would seem to be 
similar to the best possible results achievable with the pruning approach.

Edward Middleton

Xalan is capable of "streaming processing".
The interesting challenge is to work out when you can discard parts of
the tree that won't be needed again. I think this could be done quite
easily for a small class of very simple stylesheets, but the general
problem is quite hard.

That's been our conclusion. XSLT's semantics require at least the 
appearance of having the whole document in memory at once. Figuring out 
how to reduce

The terminology Xalan uses for these issues:

Filtering: An optimization consisting of not building portions of the 
source model which stylesheet analysis proves will never be referenced by 
the stylesheet. Conceptually straightforward, but runs into the "stopping 
problem" to some extent; may be hard to apply generally. May require some 
rewriting of the stylesheet and/or retaining of "stub" branches of the 
tree to avoid breaking XPaths. NOT IMPLEMENTED at this time.

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