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Re: Beginner: adding xmlns:mml attribute

2003-01-09 02:57:27
Hi Roel,

What the stylesheet gives me, with Saxon 6.5.2, from an input document
with an empty <document> element, is:

Right, this is what seems to be causing problems: the processor. I was 
using xsltproc, and it didn't give me the xmlns part in the html tag. 
Saxon does. Which one is right? Can they both be right? Should I notify 
anyone of a bug?

Saxon is right (it usually is). You should notify Daniel Veillard of
the bug in xsltproc.

Anyway, another difference between Saxon & xsltproc now shows up: if
I put inside the <head></head> tags of my xsl sheet

<![CDATA[ <?import namespace="mml" implementation="#MathPlayer" ?> ]]>

and I process it with xsltproc, I get

<?import namespace="mml" implementation="#MathPlayer" ?>

in my output sheet, as I expected (maybe wrong so).

When I then process the same file with saxon, I get

&lt;?import namespace="mml" implementation="#MathPlayer" ?&gt;

which is not what I want :(
Which processor is right? What is the right way to do this?

Again, Saxon is right. Here, you want to create a processing
instruction; to do that, you should use the
<xsl:processing-instruction> instruction as follows:

  <xsl:processing-instruction name="import">
    <xsl:text>namespace="mml" implementation="#MathPlayer"</xsl:text>

The same goes for creating comments: use the <xsl:comment> instruction
rather than including the comment literally, or wrapped in a CDATA
section, within your styelsheet:

  <xsl:comment>This is a comment</xsl:comment>



Jeni Tennison

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list