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Problems with Oracle XSL processor

2003-01-02 08:22:11
I am having a problem with the Oracle XSLT processor. It fails to output nodes 
that it ought to output using a stylesheet I have written. Using the same 
source document and stylesheet, I have tested the MSXML, Xalan-J, and Instant 
Saxon processors. All produce the tree I expect with all nodes where I expect 
them. Oracle's transformer fails in a big way. I have been in touch with 
Oracle's support, but they seem mainly interested in dodging the issue of what 
I believe to be a defect in their processor rather than addressing the matter.

Has anyone else used Oracle's processor extensively and if so, what gimmicks do 
I need to use to work around its shortcomings?

Charles Knell
cknell(_at_)onebox(_dot_)com - email

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