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RE: [saxon] catalogs

2003-01-02 04:00:01

For validation, I use libxml's xmllint and a tool using 
Xerces-C. Both 
use my local catalog, which saves me a lot of time.

Saxon is my favourite XSLT processor, but for each transformation of 
documents that have a doctype decl and are not standalone, I 
have to be 
online *and* wait many seconds until it downloaded the DTD, which is 
very long for large and modular DTDs.
It would be great if Saxon would also use my catalog, simply by being 
passed the path to the catalog (as commandline option, or in 
some saxonrc).

Download Norm's resolver library from http://xml.apache.org/commons/ and run 
Saxon with command line options -r and -x to use it.


Jarno - Village People: Do You Wanna Spend The Night

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