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Re: how to insert the *complete* content of a node

2003-03-21 08:56:48

uh oh ... i'm confused again.  i thought "node()" explicitly
did *not* match attribute nodes, but only

1) elements
2) text
3) comments
4) processing instructions

was the original poster concerned about attributes as well?

Actually I do concern about attributes, so the proposed solution did not
fit at all with what I need (but thanks a lot anyway!!)
So I'm still trying with some other solution.

Ah the:
<xsl:template match="mytag">
    <xsl:copy-of select="*|@*"/>

Still does not work. 
I Do not want to print the outer tag (mytag in the example)
And I don't know how many level deep is the inner tree!!!

There could be situations like:

<mytag>blabla <foo attr1="aaa">some text <bar attr3="bb"> other
text</bar> blabla </foo> <anything/> </mytag>

and what I need is *all* the text betweem <mytag> and </mytag>


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