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RE: xsl:number problem

2003-06-18 14:28:52

At 04:19 PM 6/18/2003, you wrote:

2. I want to do a number like <xsl:number level="any" count="productId"/>. However, I only want to get the xsl:number for productId that has publisher of "NETg" or "Wave".

For this, you need to change the XPath pattern that is used in the @count attribute of xsl:number. An XPath resource could help you teach yourself to formulate that productId[publisher='NETg' or publisher='Wave'] would be a start (but that there are also other, more sophisticated ways).

3. Same question is for count(//productId). How can I do a count of productId that has publisher of "NETg" or "Wave"?

Same: count(//productId[publisher='NETg']) and so forth.

Learn XPath, you can't write XSLT without it.


    "Thus I make my own use of the telegraph, without consulting
     the directors, like the sparrows, which I perceive use it
     extensively for a perch." -- Thoreau

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