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Re: Deleting a node depending on contents of a grandfather attribute and a child node

2003-07-30 13:47:59
John Reid wrote:
i have tried a number of approaches but with various but not correct
results. I want to delete the absent node (and everything below it)
where $vardate = from and @pword $varpword.
    <xsl:variable name="pword" select="ancestor::@pword"/>
Wont select anything, ever. Try
     <xsl:variable name="pword" select="ancestor::player[1]/@pword"/>
or if the player node is always the grandfather
     <xsl:variable name="pword" select="../../@pword"/>

      <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()[not($date1 = $vardate and
$pword = $varpword)]"/>

This does not quite match your problem description ("I want to
delete the absent node"). The following template
 <xsl:template match="absent[ancestor::player/@pword=$varpword
   and from=$vardate]"/>
will make processing the nodes in questions a no-op (iow kill it),
other absent nodes are copied through by the other template.


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