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Re: Xml to xml conversion of angle backet

2003-07-30 03:01:32
Use <xsl:attribute> to set the value of attributes of
--- Matt Trimmer <matt(_dot_)trimmer(_at_)ivantage(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk> wrote:
Hi All,
I am a new user of  XSLT.  I am trying to convert
one XML document to other
XML formats and all is going well except for one
required XML format.
The end XML document I am trying to create requires
the following element to
be created:
<URL path="XYX">
I want to populate the XYX  with some selections
from the source document,
so I use :
<URL path="<xsl:value-of
select="URL"/>ABC<xsl:value-of select="PARAM"/>">
But this gives me a parsing error saying you can't
have a <.
I have tried &lt; which parses ok, but the xml
document formed literally has
&lt; in it rather than <. Even the browser does not
indent the tree properly
because it can't find the a  <.
I hit a real blocker hear - I can't seem to find a
way round it.

Matt Trimmer



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