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Re: Re: Re: Incrementing a Global variable

2003-08-29 06:36:16
I guess this comment is directed towards me! I do like
the functional nature of XSLT. My views about the
variable incrementing problem were from a mere
analysis point of view. I believe in the wisdom of so
many intelligent people who created XSLT and who are
involved in the updation of its spec..


--- Dimitre Novatchev <dnovatchev(_at_)yahoo(_dot_)com> wrote:
I am deeply impressed with the fact that this is the
first time in three
years when someone in this group asks that XSLT be
radically changed (killed
actually), only due to his own lack of understanding
and inability to solve
even a simple problem.

Let's make it clear: XSLT is side-effects free by
definition. This is an

Whoever does not agree with the axioms may just
select another
programming-language system. In this concrete case I
received an off-list
email suggesting that the OP forgets about XSLT and

Let's stop this thread -- we cannot turn Fortran
programmers into XSLT
programmers and they cannot turn us into Fortran

Or shall we allow people, who refuse to do their
homework to continue to
consume precious bandwith? This thread has stopped
to contribute to the
goals of the xsl-list -- let's move to something
more interesting and


Dimitre Novatchev.
http://fxsl.sourceforge.net/ -- the home of FXSL

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