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Re: Using URL parameters in XSL

2003-08-11 11:12:15
Hi Mukul,

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately this is a user-generated parameter (from another local (ie on CD) web page), so I don't see how I can write their choice to a file, or even manipulate a file so it reflects their choice, such that I could read it in via document(). I was thinking sending it as a get parameter in the URL would be best, but still no luck in getting it back again in the next xsl document.


On Sunday, August 10, 2003, at 10:40 PM, Mukul Gandhi wrote:

Hi Julian,
 i don't know whether it will really be possible to
get parameter value as you want. But i can think of an
alternative approach. You can create another XML file
for e.g. param.xml having something like --

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

In your XSL you can use document() function to access
param.xml and the <param> tag's value..

Julian Wood

Learning Commons, University of Calgary

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