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Re: Re: Generate key with further restriction

2003-09-09 08:31:39
I made an error in my initial question.
Actually I want to generate keys in the following way:

Select the content of the attributes with the name 'type' or 'base', but not those where the content begins with xs. <xsl:key name="usedTypes" match="@*[name() = 'type' and not(starts-with(.,'xs:'))]" use="." /> <xsl:key name="usedTypes" match="@*[name() = 'base' and not(starts-with(.,'xs:'))]" use="." />

For example from an xsd file that contains the following specs, I would only like to select Account.

<xs:element name="account" type="Account">

<xs:element name="bankCode">
               <xs:extension base="xs:string">
<xs:attribute name="bankCodeScheme" type="xs:normalizedString"/>

<xs:element name="baseRate" type="xs:decimal"/>

Is the above statement correct? I am having some trouble with XML Spy's internal XSLT.
Do namespaces extend to the content of the attribute?


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