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RE: non-breaking whitespace

2003-10-29 10:32:47
[Saverio Perugini]

After you correct the missing ";" that
jarno pointed out, and you view the file in a browser, if 
you still get
the same result you need to specify that the output file be produced
with the same encoding that the browser is set for, or you 
have to make
sure that the right encoding declaration (a <meta> element 
in HTML) is
being placed into the file.

What do these two options entail?

 You can change the encoding of the output of the stylesheet by adding

<xsl:output method='html' encoding='iso-8859-1'/>

(or use whatever encoding the browser is set for).

This will probably be the easiest thing to do.  By default, an xml file
is supposed to be in utf-8 (or possibly in utf-16 if the document starts
with the right "byte order mark"), and if the viewer is trying to use
single-byte encodings, you will see those extra, odd characters whenever
the character in utf-8 has more than one byte.


Tom P

 XSL-List info and archive:  http://www.mulberrytech.com/xsl/xsl-list