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RE: generate XHTML header without causing xmlns attributes in e.g. <table>?

2003-10-17 05:09:18
On Fri, 17 Oct 2003, Flemming Jønsson wrote:

Hi Michael,
Thanks for your reply.

The problem isn't the xmlns="" declarations, the problem is
that you have put the <table> element is in the wrong
namespace (actually, in no namespace). Show us how you
produce the table element. If you put the element in the
right namespace, the namespace declarations will look after

Michael Kay

I thought I had to declare the name space in the xsl:template line like this:

<xsl:template name="exparameters" match="EX_PARAMETERS" xml:space="preserve" 
  <table border="1" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" class="parameters" >

Well, normally these kind of declarations are done in the stylesheet


But the resulting table tag in XHTML is:
<table xmlns="" class="parameters" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3" border="1">

How do I go about setting the correct name space then?

Flemming Joensson

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