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Re: Re: Re: What is the future of XSL-FO

2004-03-01 16:29:17

reply ro the mail 
From:"Celio Cidral Junior" <ccidral(_at_)expresso(_dot_)com(_dot_)br>
Dated: Mon, 1 Mar 2004 10:48:52 -0300 
Subject: [xsl] Re: Re: What is the future of XSL-FO

In my
context, an open source library for XSL-FO to PDF conversion is wellcome
because the zero cost would enable it to be more easily accepted by the

Strictly speaking, zero cost for your company. But not zero cost
for soceity.  The difference is only that "who payes for the cost".

Best regards,

Tokushige Kobayashi
Antenna House, Inc.
E-mail koba(_at_)antenna(_dot_)co(_dot_)jp
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Antenna House XSL School

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