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Re: Re: What is the future of XSL-FO

2004-03-01 06:15:33

"G. Ken Holman" <gkholman(_at_)cranesoftwrights(_dot_)com> escreveu na mensagem

Both RenderX and Antenna House .NET connections ... what is the barrier to
commercial tools?

The cost.

Can you consider only getting rid of commercial proprietary reporting
tools?  By using a commercial XSL-FO tool you have the protection of
non-proprietary technology investment and flexibility to move your
intellectual property to other implementations.

Good thoughts. I did not think about these other advantages.

Note there is more than one open source XSL-FO tools: FOP and xmlroff are
two that come to mind right away.

I have seen a bit about thesse tools, but they are not .NET libraries. There
is a port of FOP to J#; I ran some tests but it worked not; I'm still
sweating for make it work.


Celio Cidral Junior

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