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DOCTYPE with "doctype-public" but no "doctype-system"

2004-05-18 02:17:57
Hi all,

My knowledge of DTDs is very weak, especially with most people using Schemas
nowadays, so please forgive me.

I know all of these are valid doc types:

<!DOCTYPE organisation SYSTEM "organisation.dtd">
<!DOCTYPE organisation PUBLIC "-//GridNode//DTD Organisation//EN">
<!DOCTYPE organisation PUBLIC "-//GridNode//DTD Organisation//EN"

I managed to produce the third one with the below xsl:

<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" encoding="UTF-8"
doctype-public="-//GridNode//DTD Organisation//EN"/>

But am having difficulty trying to produce the second one. I read in XSLT:
Programmer's Reference (pg. 257) that the "doctype-public" attribute is
ignored if the "doctype-system" is not set.

Can anybody help me out?


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