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RE: problems caused by DOCTYPE

2004-05-13 13:07:22
From: Chris Loschen [mailto:closchen(_at_)stanfordalumni(_dot_)org] 

The SYSTEM keyword indicates a system pathname, so it needs 
to represent where the DTD can actually be found -- XSLT is 
just following the XML spec here. You can satisfy the requirement by:

1. having a copy of the DTD in the working directory as you 
did 2. having the SYSTEM key represent an actual path to 
where the DTD is, for example, H:\projects\dtd\mga.dtd or the 
like -- however, beware because you're now stuck with a 
particular file-naming convention, so your colleagues who use 
a different OS like Linux would have to change the SYSTEM to 
a filename they can read. 

I would add that it is OK to use a relative path for the location of the
DTD.  A relative path can be very useful, because someone else can get
your package to work by using the same relative directory structure, not
needed the exact same absolute path.


Tom P

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