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Referencing a lookup table

2004-07-12 00:59:26
Hi !

I am relatively new in the world of XML and XSL, so my problem has probably 
been adressed before. I have been looking in the archive but couldn't find any 
Well, the point is that I have some XML-tags added to an original XML message. 
The result looks like this:

   <!-- original tags -->
   <!-- addes tags -->
         <desc>Fund 1</desc>
         <desc>Fund 2</desc>

I want te create a XHTML where I select form the cover node the funds including 
the corresponding description in the added tags section. 
I have been struggling with all kinds of combinations of value-of and for-each 
elements but so far no result. Is there anybody who can help me ?

Kind regards,
Gregor Sips
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