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displaying sql results in dropdown menus

2004-08-19 00:53:17

I'm trying to get dropdown menus of values from a xml file, which is the result of a SQL request:


// here I caught the names of the request's attributes


<rowset xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/SQL/2.0"; nrofrows="12">


I modified the  XSL file page2html.xsl  in  the following way:

(I don't directly put the attributes' id s in the xsl because I want a generalized file,
which could work for any request' s result)

<xsl:template match="sql:rowset">

// I catch the attributes' ids in xsl variables

    <xsl:variable name="idattr1" select="../../idattr[1]"/>
    <xsl:variable name="idattr2" select="../../idattr[2]"/>

     <select size="1" name="">
           <option value="-1">- Sélectionnez :</option>

// And I try to get their values in a dropdown list

            <xsl:for-each select="sql:row">
                <option  value= "$idattr1">
               <xsl:value-of select="$idattr2"/>

 All I manage to obtain is :

<select name="" size="1">
<option value="-1">- Sélectionnez :</option>
<option value="$idattr1">sql:libelle_collection</option>
<option value="$idattr1">sql:libelle_collection</option>
<option value="$idattr1">sql:libelle_collection</option>

instead of the dropdown list with the values INSIDE the " libelle_collection" tags...
Perhaps it is a problem with Cocoon's SQL Transformer...

Has anybody a clue?

Many many thanks in advance for your help!!


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