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interdependant dropdown lists

2004-08-16 07:24:59


I want do build a sytem of two dropdown lists in which the result of the first selection will determine which set of values is proposed in the second one.

I cannot catch the value of the first selection in a variable, because it needs to be changed by the user.,
So I chose to use a key and its parameter.

<xsl:key name="GrouperParNbAttr" match="requetes/requetespredef/requete" use="count(attributes/attribute)"/>
   <xsl:param name="reqid" select="@id" />

This must give me the dropdown list of all requests which have a certain number of conditions, and the id of these requests as parameters

<form name="selectreq">
        <select size="1" name="requete">
      <xsl:for-each select="key('GrouperParNbAttr',1 )">
            <option> <xsl:value-of select="name"/></option>

Once the user has chosen a request by clicking on it, its id should be displayed:

<td ><font size="1" >
<b>ID </b>  <xsl:value-of select="$reqid"/>

..and the user must be given the choice between the conditions that correspond to the request.

Is it possible without using Javascript?

Many thanks for any piece of info


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