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RE: Passing a variable number of parameters?

2004-09-27 08:26:17

This leads me to the second part of my question, because 
somebody could say "Why don't you try it out?".  I need to 
implement this in Javascript, and so far I haven't found a 
way to create a NodeList that would be accepted by the XSL 
processor (be it Gecko or MSIE) as valid parameter; I receive 
"incompatibe type" errors.

If you are struggling to create a node list to pass in as a parameter,
two other solutions are:

1.  Create an xml file out of your node-list and then reference that
using the document() function.  For example:


  <param name="bar" value="baz"/>
  <param name="hello" value="world"/>

Then use:

<xsl:variable name="params" select="document('params.xml')"/>

2.  Create your params as a well-formed string and then combine with the
xml document (in also in string form) and then transform that.  For

var params = "<params> ..blah </params>";
var xmlDoc =  "<root>" + params + original_xml_doc + "</root>";

(note the containing root element to keep everything well-formed)

You can then access your parameters using:

<xsl:variable name="params" select="/root/params"/>
