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Re: Release Date vs. Highlight Until Date

2004-09-21 10:42:41
On Tue, 21 Sep 2004 17:59:21 +0100, David Carlisle wrote

are you sure that you want to use // here (or anywhere) it is very
expensive causing a full search of the entire document for item
elements. If you know that the item elements are at a particular 
depth using an explict path (or an xsl:key) is likely  to be quicker.

I probably don't want //item.  What I want is all elements named item which
are descendants of the current element - but I am not sure what the syntax
would be (still looking).  I don't know xsl:key or how it could help me - do
you know of a good example/URL?

I didn't fully follow your program logic but if this comment means that
you want to process all but the last $remaining nodes in the 
selection then you can do

<xsl:for-each select="(...... whatever you had before)
           [position() &lt; last()-$remaining]">

I have a question about position().  If this xsl:for-each contained an
xsl:sort, the position() values in the select of the for-each would not be the
sorted positions, right?  

<xsl:for-each select="whatever[position() &lt; last()-$remaining]">
<xsl:sort select="somethign">
<!-- would the node position() values here be the same as those in the
for-each? -->

Hopefully I am making some sense and not just confusing myself.