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Re: Release Date vs. Highlight Until Date

2004-09-20 17:56:01
xsl-list wrote:

Thanks for your suggestions. I am not sure the CMS vendor supports XSL 2.0. After looking more at the system I think I'll implement an XSL extension to
retrieve sysdate instead of passing it everywhere I need it.  I've been
digging deeper and found that the dates are stored as yyyyMMddTHHmmss, which I
don't think is xs:datetime format but should be pretty easy to parse/sort, or
convert to another format for parsing/sorting.

It is the XML Schema date time or xs:dateTime datatype. You are lucky -- this is the easiest to sort, since it allows for simple string sorting. You would do something like:

<xsl:template match="items">
 <xsl:apply-template select="item">
   <xsl:sort select="@release-date"/>

Therefore, since a single XML document contains both the IA and the content, I
think I can do something like (half code, half psuedo-code):

<xsl:variable name="sysdate" select="me:function" />

personally, I would avoid extension functions as much as humanly possible (you don't need them -- I never use them in the CMS, but do when offline for batch processing).

Is it possible to write a single XPath query that merges the equivalent of the
two XPath queries below (excuse my attempt at syntax) such that an
xsl:for-each with that as select will first process the elements matching the
first condition, then those matching the second condition?
//item[(_at_)highlight_date &lt; $sysdate]

this works, but stay away from xsl:for-each until you uinderstand what you are doing.


Also, to ensure I don't get the same record twice, do I just reverse the first
condition in the second condition?  Something like:

//item[(_at_)highlight_date &lt; $sysdate]

//item[(_at_)highlight_date &gt;= $sysdate]
You would want to apply-templates like I have shown above then you can check the position of the node (continuing on my XSL above):

<xsl:template match="item">
 <xsl:if test="position() &lt; 6">

I think that for performance I wouldn't want this combined query to return
more than 5 records. It seems like this would have to do with position(), but that can only apply before the sort, and I want the 5 records after sort. Any
suggestions? maybe a recursive function? anyway, I have to consider
alternatives for performance.

Then within the xsl:for-each I need to sort such that those records matched by
the highlight_date query appear first - any suggestions there?
Now you can can all see how lost I am.

No, you are getting it, but heading in a wrong direction. Stay away from xsl:for-each.


Thanks again,
