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RE: linux xslt debugger/ profiler

2004-09-10 04:35:34

Second, we are converting big data xml files using configuration. But 
because our XML machine can't locally access filesystem and all xml 
and xsl files are sent by TCP/IP, I can't use 
document(href=config.xml) in my stylesheet and I must create local 
copy of configurations as global variable. This is because stylesheet 
is so big. But anyway, code transforming data is thousands lines big.

So, first step is {xslt processor} config.xml genstyle.xsl > 
style.xsl, which creates copy of xslt code with global variable 
containing config.xml and second step is transforming some data by
{xslt processor} verybigdata.xml style.xsl > output.txt.

Thanks for the explanation. It's worth checking to see how well your XSLT
processor handles a global variable of this kind of size. (Compare the
performance with using document()). With Saxon it will certainly add
significantly to the compile time and to the memory used by the stylesheet,
though the effect on execution time might not be too bad. An alternative
strategy is to pass the configuration document to the stylesheet as a
parameter at run-time.

Michael Kay

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