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Re: linux xslt debugger/ profiler

2004-09-10 03:16:46
Dusan Zatkovsky wrote:

Hi all.

Has anybody know some good xslt profiler / debugger for linux, especially NOT written in java?
But why? Oxygen is written in java; an excellent product IMHO. I also tried Komodo ages ago and it was quite good, I'm sure the recent version is great.

I have try catchXSL and editix, but first ends with JAVA:Out of memory and second with unknown error message. I am converting big (=20-60MB) xml files with big (=500k) stylesheet.

Oh, now i get it. That's not a java issue, thats a random-accesss-xml-trees-in-memory issue. Your options are:

1) Use a streaming API to transform the files (SAX, STX).
2) Break the files into smaller chunks, transform and join.
3) Buy more memory.



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