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RE: [xsl] Split into numbered files: without side-effect? (XSLT 2)

2007-09-26 11:49:06
I may have missed something, but I can't see why the following doesn't work:

<xsl:variable name="root" select="/"/>
<xsl:for-each select="doc('startingElements.xml')/element">
  <xsl:variable name="path" select="string(.)"/>
  <xsl:for-each select="$root/saxon:evaluate($path)">
    <xsl:result-document href="chunk{position()}.xml">
      <xsl:copy-of select="."/>

with a bit of elaboration to put leading zeros in the filename, etc.

Michael Kay


-----Original Message-----
From: Yves Forkl [mailto:Y(_dot_)Forkl(_at_)srz(_dot_)de] 
Sent: 26 September 2007 16:43
To: xsl-list(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com
Subject: [xsl] Split into numbered files: without 
side-effect? (XSLT 2)

Hi all,

until now I have been coping quite well without being able to 
use any side effects in XSLT, but for the ridiculously simple 
task I am trying to do, I just don't see how to avoid 
"cheating" by shamefully falling back on saxon:assign in XSLT 2.

I would like to split the contents of my input file into a 
series of chunks, each going into a separate text file, 
consecutively numbered in the order in which the chunks are 
created (and all of the text nodes should go into the main 
result document as well). The trouble comes in from these 

a) The list of elements making up the chunks should be configurable:
    their paths from the root node are to be read from an XML file.

b) The chunks need not be rooted at the same level in the tree.

For instance, assume I have this input document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <root>
     <content>text of a</content>
       <content>text of b1</content>
       <content>text of b2</content>
     <content>text of c</content>

Another file, named chunk_starting_elements.xml, says for 
which element instances to start a new chunk, by giving their 
local name (this is just for simplicity's sake, in reality I 
am using their paths from the root node):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <chunks>

The desired result of the transformation is a series of 4 files named


each of them containing the text nodes from the corresponding 
element as given in chunk_starting_elements.xml (plus all of 
it in the main result document).

While the stylesheet below certainly does the job (provided 
it's Saxon which processes it), I wonder how to adapt it into 
pure, side-effect free XSLT 2. Any suggestions?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet 
   exclude-result-prefixes="my xs saxon">

   <xsl:output method="text" indent="yes"/>

   <xsl:variable name="chunk-number" saxon:assignable="yes" 

   <xsl:function name="my:chunk-started-by" as="node()*">
     <xsl:param name="context-element" as="node()"/>
                 /chunks/element[. = local-name($context-element)]"/>

   <xsl:template match="*">

     <xsl:variable name="new-chunk-name"

     <xsl:if test="$new-chunk-name">
         href="{concat('chunk_', format-number($chunk-number 
+ 1, '00'),
                       '_', $new-chunk-name, '.txt')}">
         <saxon:assign name="chunk-number" 
select="$chunk-number + 1"/>




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