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[xsl] performance benefits of XSL3.0

2016-04-19 13:28:09
Dear All,
Need some quick help.
We are in a business of processing xmls and these come in big loads. some
of them running real big. We have application that needs to convert these
incoming XMLS into our internal XMLs and persist the data. We use XSLT as
our transformation layer. We are totally convinced we need XSLT to carry
out our job , obviously because of the ease of coding and the powerful
language constructs of xslt. Off late we have noticed that the XSLT has
contributed hugely to the large processing times.

We are using Sax parsers to chop the big XMLs into meaning ful chuncks and
process each of these chunks in parallel .and we use XSLT2 and saxon to
process the individual chunks.

My question here is, if I shift to XSLT3 and do not change my code, will it
still give me any performance benefits over the XSLT2 . I understand that
the XSLT3 has a slightly different approach to XSLT programming ( losing
certain axe etc.). Will the xslt3 processor read the input xml in a
different way?

I am hoping that my question is clear ..
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