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Re: [xsl] XPath to test that a middle name consists of a letter followed by a period and nothing else ?

2016-06-02 07:32:41
On 02/06/16 13:25, Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com wrote:

I need an XPath expression to check that the value of <MI> is an uppercase 
letter of the English alphabet followed by a period symbol, and nothing else.

In this day and age, such a requirement is socially unacceptable. It's on the 
verge of being considered racist.

I don't have a middle initial :-) so it should allow the element to be
absent or empty.

Peter Flynn | Academic & Collaborative Technologies | University College
Cork IT Services | ☎ +353 21 490 2609 | ✉ pflynn(_at_)ucc(_dot_)ie | 🌍 
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