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Re: [xsl] Need an XPath expression for: $B is not contained in $A

2018-06-14 15:34:48

"not(some $b in ($B//*) satisfies ($b is $A))"

(oh Roger came up with that.)

or nicer?

"empty($A intersect $B//*)"

XPath 1.0:

"count($B/**) = count($B//* | $A)"

Cheers, Wendell

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018 at 8:23 AM, Costello, Roger L. 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> wrote:
Hi Folks,

The variable $A contains an element.

The variable $B contains an element.

I need an XPath expression that determines if $B is not contained in $A.

This XPath expression seems to work:


but that seems awful, i.e., not straightforward, convoluted, and probably 

Is there a better (simpler, straightforward, efficient) XPath expression?


Wendell Piez | http://www.wendellpiez.com
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