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Re: [xsl] Is there an XSLT/XPath processor good enough to use in life-critical applications?

2019-11-15 13:17:16
At 2019-11-15 17:49 +0000, John Lumley john(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com wrote:
How many of the XSL list have ever handled a deck of (computer/Hollerith) cards? Some of us are showing our age....

July 1971 my father gave me a deck in a 3/4-filled box and told me to print the deck the next time I had a chance.

Teacher is standing at the printer while I'm at the IBM 1130 console after writing and invoking a short FORTRAN program to read a card and print a line and repeat.

Teacher asks "Where did you get this deck, Ken?"

It was my first example of the character print naked lady. I didn't know they even existed.

. . . . . . . Ken

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