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Re: [xsl] An observation on the performance of fn:transform

2020-07-03 04:19:05

Perhaps a argument for something akin to fn:compile-transform($options as 
map(*)) as function($options), which does the compilation once and returns an 
exectuable function. Before XSLT3 and xsl:evaluate, Saxon had (and still has) 
something similar for XPath: saxon:expression() and saxon:evaluate()

We still offer saxon:compile-stylesheet() followed by saxon:transform(), though 
it doesn't have all the options that fn:transform() provides. I would like to 
think that fn:transform() with cache=yes achieves the same benefits.

We currently honour cache="yes" in all cases provided that no static parameters 
are supplied. If there are static parameters, we don't attempt to check that 
they are consistent with previous uses, we just bypass the cache.

Michael Kay
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