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Re: [xsl] An observation on the performance of fn:transform

2020-07-03 17:01:00
Drink another coffe, maybe with some Welsh alcohol added in...

Stay safe and be happy,

PS: we are on friday evening, I've test some welsh and non-welsh alcohols...

Le 03/07/2020 à 12:53, Norman Tovey-Walsh ndw(_at_)nwalsh(_dot_)com a écrit :
Michael Kay mike(_at_)saxonica(_dot_)com 
<xsl-list-service(_at_)lists(_dot_)mulberrytech(_dot_)com> writes:
A workaround would be to add another layer to the stylesheet,
debug.xsl / non-debug.xsl that sets the static parameter (by
overriding it with a variable) and then you could cache both versions.
If debug was a boolean, I’d see how that could work, but it’s a string
(that gets tokenized into a list). I’m not seeing how to use the trick
you describe to tunnel that through, but perhaps the coffee hasn’t
kicked in yet.

                                         Be seeing you,

Norman Tovey-Walsh <ndw(_at_)nwalsh(_dot_)com>

Change is a dangerous game, but one you have to play.

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