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Re: [xsl] How to store a sequence into an element ... and maintain the sequence inside the element?

2020-07-20 04:01:47

I think that, using a schema (for input & output documents) for an XSLT 
transformation, in general is very useful. The main benefit is, I think, 
stronger type checking of XML input/output data, which reveals many error 
early during an XSLT transformation cycle.

Indeed. But although it gives you a wider range of data types than just strings 
-- it's fine for a sequence of integers or a date -- it's still restricted. For 
example there's no way you can hold a function as an attribute of an element 
node, because (a) functions aren't recognized as an XSD data type, and (b) they 
can't be represented as strings. This lack of orthogonality in the XDM model is 
a constant pain when you're doing applications like the XSLT-in-XSLT compiler 
that we wrote for Saxon-JS, or the XSD-validator-in-XSLT that I've published 
details of but never released as a finished product.

Michael Kay
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